Australia must restore aid to Gaza and condemn the Israeli Government’s latest atrocity in firing on aid trucks in Gaza so dozens of desperate Palestinians were deliberately killed as the Israel Defence Force open fired on them.
Australians can view this blatant attack on Al Jazeera News, yet already some local media outlets are reporting people “trampled “ or mistakenly “run over by delivery trucks.
This media bias is irresponsible.
The latest example of Israel’s contempt for the Palestinians and for international law must be rejected by all Australians.
The Australian Government cannot continue to pretend that Israel is a trusted ally because under the Netanyahu regime the government has abandoned any commitment to international law or humanitarian standards.
A recent opinion poll demonstrates the deep concern of many Australians especially young people and women who want the Australian Government to stop being complicit in its acceptance of such atrocities .
Contact you local member and demand the Prime Minister speak up as a humanitarian and as an independent leader.
Margaret Reynolds
WILPF Australia