After reestablishing in October after a decade’s hiatus, the group moved quickly to arrange its first event. 

HALA – A Woman’s Journey launched the short film of the same name, focused on the life of Hala Al Faisal, Syrian artist and peace activist on December 3.

Around 50 people watched the film, which was followed by a short panel discussion on the role of the arts within the peace movement, with Nathalie Farah and Nour Abdullatif.

Susan Dirgham, WILPF Victoria member who is a committed anti-war activist with strong ties with Syria and its people, encouraged the crowd to critically analyse the media coverage of Syrian politics, and to support the people of Syria in their hopes for peace.

WILPF Victoria is open to new members and is planning to hold a strategy meeting in February.

You can email to get in touch with the group.


Some quotes from the night:

‘Engaging film, thought-provoking conversation.’

‘She (Hala) makes me want to make art and live with more authenticity.’

‘That speaker was magnificent.’